Home Insights News 2019 City of Lausanne


The City of Lausanne renews its website

Different custom sections, a more functional agenda, a new access mode to E-Gov services and a space specifically designed for people with disabilities. Here are all the details regarding the collaboration between the City of Lausanne and Tinext.

Lausanne - the capital of the Canton of Vaud and the fourth largest Swiss city that has over 120.000 inhabitants - renews its website with a new agenda, customized sections and many other interesting novelties.

You can visit the official site at www.lausanne.ch. Tinext, through the skills and experience of its technical team, has successfully carried out this project by allowing the editorial team to simultaneously work both on old and new pages without any "double entry" processes.

Tinext and the City of Lausanne, partners in business since 2012

In 2012, Tinext was awarded the first project for the City of Lausanne by managing the websites of Lausanne City and Lausanne Tourism with Magnolia 4, thus replacing the old outdated system.

After the recent switch of the website to Magnolia 5, Tinext professional team is committed to renewing the home page of the website and providing it with the Https protocol.

Lausanne.ch: all the characteristics of the new website

The new site of the City of Lausanne was designed to make desktop and mobile browsing easier. Web researches allow the user to quickly and intuitively land on the various sections available, such as those dedicated to tourism, sport and school education.

The customized sections totally use the features of the main website and a graphic variation that characterizes them. Thanks to the adoption of this interface mechanism and to the management by Magnolia users, it is possible to compose subsites for each of the municipal bodies of the City of Lausanne with a remarkable saving of costs. The subsites all have the same concept and infrastructure and a similar layout.

Tinext has also supported the City of Lausanne in integrating its website with E-Gov services: thanks to the work developed by the company, citizens are now able to access Lausanne Industrial Services (SIL), read easily school contents, invoices and much more, directly through the site.

Lausanne.ch also has a special space for disabled people. The integration carried out by Tinext with Proinfirmis (a Swiss organization which, for decades, has been committed to self-determination and inclusion of people with disabilities) is highlighted in the website’s footer.

The section of the website fully dedicated to the events in Lausanne must be mentioned: Lausanne is a culturally active city and a major tourist attraction, as well as an important banking, university and commercial hub and also the headquarter of the International Olympic Committee.

Scheduled events of the Canton of Vaud are easily and intuitively organized on the site, classified according to an order of relevance aimed to give priority to immediate ones or to those ones that have already started or that are about to end instead.

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